Frequently Asked Questions

What are the average salaries for a Bachelor of Science in this program?

What is the difference between CS and CIS?

Will CIS classes count for a CS degree?

Most CIS classes will not directly substitute toward a CS degree although in some cases two or more CIS classes may cover the same material as one CS class and be substituted. Generally CS classes will count toward a CIS degree.

What is the difference between Engineering and Engineering Technology/Degrees?

Will engineering technology courses count for engineering degrees?

Should I just take core classes if I am not sure about my major?

Unlike English, Business, and non-technical degrees, technical majors like engineering are sequential by nature. You will have at least four years of course work from the time you start taking engineering, computer science, physics, and math courses. If you take two years of general core classes before you start taking engineering then you will still have four more years of college! You need to see an advisor in our department before you sign up for your first semester of classes so we can help you graduate on time.

What if I start out in this department and change my major?

All technical majors have a common core of math and physics courses for at least the first year. Thus you can switch between them with no lost course work. For most engineering fields and physics, transfers between majors can be made up to the junior year with little or no lost work. Furthermore, technical majors require more advanced math and science core classes than no-technical majors so the courses taken can be used for majors like Business, Agriculture, etc. Specialty courses which are not part of the core can be used as electives in non-technical majors so again no course work is lost. 

If you start out doing a non-technical major then many courses like College Algebra, etc will not count if you change into a technical degree like engineering as these courses are considered high school preparatory work.

What should I take in High School?

The majors in this department all require a strong background in math and physics. Thus, a student should try to take as much math and physics as possible. A background of PreCalculus and an AP-B Physics course is assumed as the first math course for graduation credit is calculus I and the first physics course for graduation credit is Calculus based Physics. If your high school doesn’t offer these courses then you may need to do some leveling work prior to beginning coursework in your major. In order to minimize your time in school, it is highly recommended that you come to Tarleton in the summer prior to the fall of your freshman year so that you can start your leveling course work.