Tarleton State University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees all aspects of Tarleton animal care and use programs for teaching, testing, and research. The IACUC reviews all animal use protocols, ensures compliance with federal regulations, inspects animal facility and laboratories, and oversees training and educational programs. The IACUC serves as a resource to faculty, investigators, technicians, students, staff, and administrators and provide guidance for all animal use procedures with the highest scientific, human, and ethical principles.

The IACUC is composed of a chair person, a veterinarian, research scientists, non-scientists, and community representatives. The IACUC makes semiannual inspections of all facilities, laboratories, and farms where animals are housed or utilized. The IACUC is scheduled to meet monthly and reviews all properly submitted proposals at that time.

Concerns regarding the welfare or ethical treatment of the animals?
Report abuse to the TSU IACUC office via email or call (254) 968-1815. Confidentiality is considered whenever possible. TSU is dedicated to ensuring the animals used for Teaching and Research get the best possible care under approved Animal Care and Use Protocols. TSU will not tolerate retaliation for credible, good faith reports of animal abuse, or neglect.

Federally Mandated IACUC Functions

  1. Review, at least once every six months, Tarleton’s program for humane care and use of animals, using the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as a basis for evaluation.
  2. Inspect, at least once every six months, all of the animal facilities, including animal study areas/satellite facilities, using United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Regulations and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, as a basis for evaluation.
  3. Prepare reports of IACUC evaluations and submit the reports to the Institutional Official.
  4. Review and investigate legitimate concerns involving the care and use of animals at the research facility resulting from public complaints and from reports of non-compliance received from facility personnel or employees.
  5. Make recommendations to the Institutional Official regarding any aspect of the research facility’s animal program, facilities, or personnel training.
  6. Review and approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of those components of proposed activities related to the care and use of animals.
  7. Review and approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of proposed significant changes regarding the care and use of animals in ongoing activities.
  8. Suspend an activity involving animals when necessary; take corrective action and report to the funding agency, USDA, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), and the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC).

Points of Contact

Alex Plucker, Research Compliance Coordinator
(254) 968-1815

Dr. Jeffrey Breeden, Chairperson, Professor, Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources
(254) 968-1950

Use of Vertebrate Animal Subjects

Animal Use Protocol Application

Use the links to apply for a Tarleton Animal Use Protocol (AUP). All animal research, teaching, and testing require the prior acquisition of an IACUC-approved AUP. The links contain the proper forms, instructions, and information to acquire an IACUC-approved AUP. Following approval of your AUP, an Annual Progress Report must be submitted prior to the approval anniversary each year.

Send the completed documents to the Division of Research, Innovation and Economic Development to the attention of Brice Boyd through the Tarleton Center, Room 213, Box T-0015. You can contact Mr. Plucker by phone at (254) 968-1815 or by email [email protected].

The Principal Investigator (PI), as well as each Co-Investigator, must complete the required CITI Training prior to being granted IACUC approval for the AUP.

The agenda and animal use protocols to be reviewed by the full committee must be provided to the IACUC members 5 business days in advance of the meeting. The agenda closes the Monday of the week prior to the meeting to give members sufficient time to review the submission prior to the meeting.